Definition Hotels, Hotel is a form of buildings, symbols, corporate or business entities that provide accommodation services lodging, food and beverage providers and other service facilities where all services were reserved for the general public, both those who stay at the hotel or those who just use of certain facilities owned by the hotel. Understanding this hotel can be inferred from some hotels such as the definitions below:
a. One type of accommodation that use part or all parts for lodging services, food and beverage and other services to the general public who managed commercially (Ministerial Decree No. Parpostel km 94/HK103/MPPT 1987)
b. The building which managed commercially by providing lodging facilities to the general public with the following facilities:
1) Services inn
2) The service of food and beverages
3) Service of luggage
4) Washing clothes
5) Use of facility furnishings and decorations in it.
(Sri Endar, 1996:8)
c. Means of public housing to provide tourists with room service, food and beverage and accommodation with the terms of payment (Lawson, 1976:27)